Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Anomaly

Early witnesses described the anomaly as having a glowing form before the arrival. Containment within the church has been successful.

Members of the church reported seeing "the Face of Christ" within the anomaly (which our cctv cameras have captured as well). We are unsure if this is a form of communication or mimicry from its surroundings.

The Anomaly displays a complex array of visual communication that we still don't fully understand. Its speed increases whenever hosts are nearby.

Direct contact with the anomaly results in contamination.

Victims of the anomaly are kept in a
quarantined medical bay where they receive careful treatment.

All four victims (two staff, two church) have survived direct exposure to the anomaly.

Rooftop cameras have picked up footage of an entity (several?) trying to enter the church.
We assume that they are drawn to the anomaly.

Measures have been taken to keep the entities from breaching the containment area.

Second director ██████ has often been referred to as
the "Eyes of God" by the staff, due to his unique connection with the anomaly.

He is able to see everything that the anomaly sees (including the various 'hosts').

This allows us a great advantage over the entities.

Congregation outside of church.


[Confiscated police cam unit C04]

 Just received a call regarding a noise disturbance from inside an abandoned church just four miles from here. 

 On our way to investigate.

Everything is locked tight from the front. 

No sign of anyone so far, but we'll look around for a bit.

Just in case.

My partner is going around back to see if we can enter some other way.

The back door is open.

 The walls are covered in drawings of eyes. We can hear what sounds like muffled chanting further ahead.

 Someone is definitely home.


[Last frame from police cam unit C04]

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