Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Anomaly

Early witnesses described the anomaly as having a glowing form before the arrival. Containment within the church has been successful.

Members of the church reported seeing "the Face of Christ" within the anomaly (which our cctv cameras have captured as well). We are unsure if this is a form of communication or mimicry from its surroundings.

The Anomaly displays a complex array of visual communication that we still don't fully understand. Its speed increases whenever hosts are nearby.

Direct contact with the anomaly results in contamination.

Victims of the anomaly are kept in a
quarantined medical bay where they receive careful treatment.

All four victims (two staff, two church) have survived direct exposure to the anomaly.

Rooftop cameras have picked up footage of an entity (several?) trying to enter the church.
We assume that they are drawn to the anomaly.

Measures have been taken to keep the entities from breaching the containment area.

Second director ██████ has often been referred to as
the "Eyes of God" by the staff, due to his unique connection with the anomaly.

He is able to see everything that the anomaly sees (including the various 'hosts').

This allows us a great advantage over the entities.

Congregation outside of church.


[Confiscated police cam unit C04]

 Just received a call regarding a noise disturbance from inside an abandoned church just four miles from here. 

 On our way to investigate.

Everything is locked tight from the front. 

No sign of anyone so far, but we'll look around for a bit.

Just in case.

My partner is going around back to see if we can enter some other way.

The back door is open.

 The walls are covered in drawings of eyes. We can hear what sounds like muffled chanting further ahead.

 Someone is definitely home.


[Last frame from police cam unit C04]

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Russian Sleep Experiment

‼️Contains gore and body horror‼️🔞

For the sake of brevity, we will be referring to these political prisoners of the state as subjects 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
The Experiment will commence December 7th, 1947 at 8PM in the sleep deprivation chamber. Researchers will rotate every 8 hours to maintain a constant day and night shift.
Subjects are to be monitored at all times using microphone feeds, photograph logs and written reports.

Day 1: Subjects are supplied with books, cots, running water and a toilet. There is also enough dried food to last all five men for over a month. The chemical stimulant is administered via air ducts within the chamber.

Dr. █████ was adamant in keeping the chemical properties of his stimulant a secret. In high doses, it can be lethal to the subjects, so we're always monitoring the levels to keep them balanced. All subjects display slight agitation in their behavior, but otherwise normal.

Day 3: Subjects 2, 3 and 5 have been very social, playing card games and sharing histories with each other. All subjects show mild fatigue and periorbital dark circles around their eyes.

Day 4: A fight broke out between subjects 1 and 3. The others were able to disperse them within an hour. At this point, subjects have been experiencing microsleeps and an increase in physical fatigue.

Day 5: All subjects have been whispering near the portholes and microphones. At first, this was seen as an encouraging way to vent their feelings. But the one sided conversations slowly transitioned into discussions of childhood trauma and paranoia, along with false recollections.

Day 6: Food consumption has increased (presumably to compensate for the amount of energy spent staying awake). Subjects show signs of optokinetic nystagmus and have proceeded to write on the walls. All subjects have completed reading every book within the chamber. Twice.

Day 7: The chamber is in a foul state. We promised the test subjects their freedom after submitting to the test for 10 days. In actuality, it is 30 days, but we have no confidence that they will make it that far. No human has ever survived without sleep for more than 11 days.

Day 8: Paranoia has increased amongst the group. The subjects plead to the portholes and microphones, thinking that they can gain our trust by turning each other over. Subject 1 is resolute in his delusion that subject 4 is a spy and that this information warrants his release.

Day 9: Without any precedent, subject 5 started screaming. He then proceeded to run the length of the chamber over and over. This lasted for about 3 hours and 12 minutes before his voice finally let out.

Now he can only produce squeaks and occasionally spasms on the floor. None of the other subjects reacted or even moved during the ordeal.

Day 10: The subjects have smeared rolls of toilet paper and book pages with feces and pasted them onto the portholes.

Leaving us in the dark.

The whispering in the microphones has also ceased. The Commander was not pleased.

Day 11: The microphones are checked hourly to make sure that they are functioning. We haven't heard so much as a peep, yet the oxygen intake affirms that all five patients are still breathing.

In fact, the amount of oxygen that they are consuming is enormous. It's the equivalent of five men under extremely strenuous exercise. 
Day 12: still no response from the subjects. We are maintaining levels and listening intently.

Dr. █████ offers to use the intercom to directly communicate with the subjects (something that we refused to do during the experiment, for fear of compromised results). The doctor told the subjects that their compliance will earn one of them their freedom.

No response.

Dr. █████ and commander ████ argued relentlessly on whether or not they should open the chamber. It has been five days since we have gotten any response from the subjects. It was finally decided that the chamber will be opened tomorrow at midnight.

I cannot finish my lunch. The subjects will be found either dead or in a vegetative state. The biggest mercy for them would be to die in their sleep.

Day 15: When we started to flush the chamber of the stimulant gas, we heard screaming.

The subjects are still alive.

Soldiers are prepared to retrieve the subjects from within the chamber. The stench is unbearable, even from this distance.
I will be going in first, to illuminate and photograph the chamber.

███ had his throat ripped out and █████ had his testicles and an artery in his left leg severed by one of the subject's teeth. Both soldiers died from bleeding out within minutes.

The surviving subjects put up a fierce fight in the process of being removed from inside the chamber. Their strength and voracity is frighteningly inhuman.

All 4 subjects have large portions of muscle and skin torn away from their bodies.

 The destruction of flesh and exposed bone on the fingertips indicate that the wounds were self inflicted by hand. Not with teeth, as we initially thought.

Patient 2 was injected with more than 10 times the human dose of a morphine derivative and still managed to put up a violent struggle. He broke the ribs and arm of one of the doctors and kept screaming "more" over and over.

This is impossible. Patient 2's heart stopped as soon as he went under. But his eyes continued to move rapidly as if in REM sleep for 3 whole minutes.

The most injured of the remaining 3 is taken into surgery. They all laugh and howl as they contort furiously against their restraints. The subjects insist that they must remain awake.

the doctors prepared to place patient 4's organs back into his body. He refused anesthetic and managed to tear most of the way through his leather restraints. It took only a little more anesthetic than usual to put him under. but once he was, his heart stopped.

Time of death: 12:24/21/47
Patient 4 had triple the normal level of oxygen in his system. His muscles were badly torn and he had 9 broken bones from his struggle. The surgeon stated repeatedly that it should be medically impossible for these patients to be alive in this state.

The second survivor had his vocal cords destroyed, but still shook violently in disapproval whenever anesthetic was brought near him. The doctors resumed the surgery without putting him under.

Nobody noticed until six hours into the procedure that the patient scratched a message onto the operating table.

"Keep cutting"

The doctors tried to patch up the 2 survivors with what remaining skin they had left. We injected them with a paralytic throughout the duration of their operations, but it quickly cleared through their system and they soon tried to escape their bonds.

The patients' restraints are reinforced and we are awaiting determination as to what should be done with them.

Dr. █████ thinks that we should discontinue the experiment, but commander ████ sees potential and wants to put the 2 men back on the gas.

We are overruled.

The stimulant is more potent than anything we could have imagined. The patients are desperately trying to stay awake.

The chamber is being decontaminated and prepared for the 2 remaining survivors.

the patients stopped struggling the moment it was let slip that they were going back on the gas. We wired them to an EEG and discovered something surprising.

Their brainwaves were normal most of the time. But sometimes they would unexpectedly flatline.
It's as though they are repeatedly suffering brain death, but in a similar way as a microsleep. We don't know what to make of this. 

Dear god. Dr. █████ refused to comply with the commander and soldiers. Now the commander is forcing him at gunpoint to wheel the patients into the chamber.

Both patients are in the chamber now. I can barely hear them, but it seems like the commander is threatening to lock Dr. █████ inside with them. I'm going to try and get a better look.

One of the patients broke free from their restraints!
commander ████ shot him immediately and as he was distracted, Dr. █████ pulled out a pistol and shot him dead!

The commander's men are waiting just outside the entrance. I tell them that the doctor is armed and that we should wait before doing anything drastic. I can hear the doctor yelling; "I won't be locked in here with these things! Not with you!"

The doctor is leaning over the remaining patient. The patient seems to be whispering something to him, but I cannot make it out. I will run to the front of the chamber to try and negotiate through the intercom.

I was too late. Dr. █████ shot the last patient in the heart. I turned on the microphone feed to hear the patient choke out his dying words.

"Nearly.... Free..."

[Writing scratched on the walls of the chamber with embedded fingernails.]